Is the Earth Really Some 4.5 Billion Years Old?
The most common view held today about the age of Earth, because of the prevalent teaching of evolutionism, is that she is about 4.5 billion years old. It is guesstimated that men and apes diverged from their unknown, common ancestor about 30 to 70 million years ago, while true modern man has only been on the scene for about 1 million years. Evolution demands such lengths in time to make their theory seem even remotely plausible. If you’re curious how old is the earth according to the Bible, read on.
How Old is the Earth in the Bible?
The fact is, however, that not even 30 billion years would be enough time for the chance-evolution of even the most simple living molecule, much less for the chance-evolution from “amoeba” to man. According to the Bible, man was created only five days after the creation of the earth. Therefore, both the earth (and the universe) and man are approximately the same age. Since the Bible also contains genealogies that carry us from the time of Jesus Christ back to Adam (allowing for a few places in question regarding time frames), it is still clear that Earth and man can be no older than 10,000 years – and even as young as 6,000 years old. Although belief in an ancient Earth is widespread in our modern culture, yet there are actually more valid reasons to believe the Scripture’s account of a relatively young earth.
One thing we need to understand is that the study of origins is beyond the scope of the scientific method. The very essence of the scientific method is based on observation and experimentation, both of which are impossible to do regarding the origin of the universe. Scientists can speculate about the past (or the future), but they can only observe the present. Thus, evolutionism can only be correctly labeled as a belief. To say evolution is an established fact of science is totally false. The study of origins goes beyond the scope of the scientific method. It is impossible to prove that Earth is billions of years old.
Since the Bible also contains genealogies that carry us from the time of Jesus Christ back to Adam (allowing for a few places in question regarding time frames), it is still clear that Earth and man can be no older than 10,000 years – and even as young as 6,000 years old.
Although we will not take the time to demonstrate the unreliable and dubious nature of radio-metric dating techniques, here are a few examples of what they have produced: (1) living snails have been dated as being 2,300 years old by use of the carbon-14 dating method, (2) wood taken from growing trees has been said to be 10,000 years old (also by the carbon-14 dating method), and (3) lava flows known to be less than 200 years old, have been dated by the potassium-argon method at up to 3,000,000 years old! There is such a great unreliability with these dating methods, that there is no valid scientific reason for placing any confidence in them. However, there are other processes that can be used to measure time and, therefore, date the age of the earth.

There has been a significant amount of research accumulated to suggest that our earth and solar system are not as ancient as the evolutionists insist. Although I cannot take the time or space to mention or develop all of them, I want to mention a few of the processes that indicate a young earth and include resource materials for your own further study. We are constantly bombarded with lies as we live in a world currently usurped by “the father of lies,” Satan. The past year, 2020, was literally loaded with lies! This is why it is so vitally important to know we can trust the one absolute Source of Truth, which is the Word of God (written – the Bible and Living – Christ Jesus)! One of the greatest lies to be sown . . . besides the lie that Christ did not resurrect from the dead . . . is the great lie of evolutionism! That completely unscientific (yes, that’s what I said) and anti-Biblical lie has been repeated so often, even most Christians have come to believe it -or to at least try to compromise with it (which is impossible).
How Old is the Earth, Really?
I am devoting this “Caldwell Chronicle” to giving you just a FEW of MANY reasons why the evolution theory does not pass “the science test”. The Earth is not billions of years old; it did not come into existence via “chance plus time”. Rather, as Scripture indicates, Earth is less than 10,000 years old and came into existence exactly as God said in the first several chapters of His Holy Word. I want you to know, as we anticipate the soon return of Christ, you can fully rely on the Truth of every jot and tittle of His Word! (So, if you have not already done so, please ask Jesus to save you today! He died in your place for your sins! Place your faith in Him and be fully forgiven so you can spend eternity in His holy Presence with both God the Father and God the Holy Spirit!)

Here, now, are some scientific supports for a young Earth (and, therefore, the truth of the Creation account and the blatant lies of evolutionism) . . .
The earth is surrounded by an invisible magnetic force, and the strength of this magnetic field has been measured for well over a century. It is this magnetic force that makes directional compasses work. Like all nature’s forces, the energy in the magnetic field is decreasing in strength due, in part, to the universal Second Law of Thermodynamics.
In an important recent study, Dr. Thomas G. Barnes, a physicist who studied this subject in great detail for years, demonstrated that the strength of Earth’s magnetic field is decaying exponentially at a rate corresponding to a half-life of 830 to 1,400 years. This means that 830 to 1,400 years ago, the magnetic field of Earth was twice as strong as today. 830 to 1,400 years prior to that, it would have been four times as strong, and so on. If we go back 10,000 years, Earth would have had a magnetic field as strong as that of a magnetic star. That is not only highly improbable, but also virtually impossible.
Answer in Earth’s Magnetic Field
So, based on the present decay rate of the earth’s magnetic field, Earth cannot be older than 10,000 years. It would be very difficult to explain how Earth could have maintained her magnetic field for billions and billions of years. Furthermore, it is believed the earth’s magnetic field is caused by circulating electric currents in the core. If we go back 20,000 years, the estimated heat produced by these currents would have melted the earth. The testimony of the earth’s magnetic field strongly favors a relatively young earth, not the ancient one needed by evolution. (See Thomas G. Barnes, “Dwindling Resource Evidence of a Young Earth,” Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 4, March 1989, pp. 170, 171.)
The Escaping Moon
Another process to demonstrate a young earth is the escaping moon. Due to numerous factors (including tidal friction), the rotational speed of earth is constantly slowing down. This provides evidence that limits the age of the moon to less than 1 billion years (which is at least 80 percent lower than the age suggested by evolutionism).

Also, the slowing Earth transfers her energy to the moon, which results in a constant yearly increase in the distance between Earth and her moon. Although the deceleration is slowing, it can still be measured. If we go back in time, the moon meets the earth in a relatively short period – at least compared to the great age suggested by evolutionists. Yet, there is no evidence the moon was ever extremely close to earth. If it any distance closer than 11,500 miles (called the “Roche Limit“), the earth’s tidal forces would break the moon into small pieces which would orbit Earth much as the rings of Saturn.
The moon is presently far too close to the earth if the evolutionary age of 4 to 5 billion years old is correct for the earth. The moon should clearly be much further away from us than it is if that age is true. There is no support for an age of 4 or more billion years for the moon.
How Old is the Earth According to “Science”

Also, if the earth is billions of years old and has been slowing down uniformly in her rotational speed, then the present rotation would be zero, but she is still rotating on her axis at approximately 1,000 miles per hour. The obvious conclusion is the earth cannot be billions of years old. If we go backward several billion years, the centrifugal force would have been so great, the earth’s continents would have been sent to the equatorial regions, and the shape of our planet would be more like a flat pancake than spherical. (For further study, see Thomas G. Barnes, “Young Age for the Moon and Earth,” ICR Impact Series, No. 110, Acts and Facts (El Cajon, Calif: Institute for Creation Research, August, 1982; Paul D. Ackerman, It’s a Young World After All, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House, 1986, pp. 41-47, 49-53; John C. Whitcomb and Donald B. DeYoung, The Moon: Its Creation, Form and Significance, Winona Lake, Indiana: BMH Books, 1978, pp. 105-107; Randy L. Wysong, The Creation-Evolution Controversy, Midland, Michigan, Inquiry Press, 1976, pp. 177, 178.)
More Young Earth Evidence
Another great evidence for demonstrating a young earth has to do with the small amount of helium in our present atmosphere. Former Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. Melvin Cook, has studied the earth’s natural helium supply extensively, and he became convinced the reason there is so little helium in our atmosphere is because earth is relatively young. Evolutionists maintain that the radioactive decay processes of uranium and thorium, which produce helium, have been occurring in the earth’s crust for billions of years. However, if this decay has been going on that long, the earth’s atmosphere should contain far more helium than the one part in 200,000 that exists today. If Earth is billions of years old, the atmosphere should contain up to a million times more helium than it currently does!
Evidence indicates that very little helium escapes into space (as hydrogen does). To make matters worse for evolutionists, helium actually enters our atmosphere from outer space by means of the sun’s corona. Calculations based on the available figures show the amount of time required for natural processes to have produced the observed helium of our atmosphere is about 10,000 years. (For further study, see R. I. Wysong, The Creation-Evolution Controversy, Inquiry Press, Midland, Michigan, 1981, pp. 161-63; Larry Vardiman, “The Age of the Earth’s Atmosphere Estimated by Its Helium Content,” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Creationism, Vol. 1, p. 188; Henry M. Morris, editor, Scientific Creationism, gen. ed., Santee, Calif., Master Books, 1974, pp. 150, 151; Melvin A. Cook, Prehistory and Earth Models, London: Max Parrish, 1966, pp. 10-14, and “Where is the Earth’s Radiogenic Helium?” Nature, Vol. 179, p. 213).
The Sun is Shrinking

The sun is shrinking! Due to its self-consumption, the sun is surely smaller than it once was. If the shrinkage rate of the sun could be accurately measured, and if enough solar data could be accumulated, it could be used to estimate the age of the sun. How fast the sun is shrinking, and how much the rate of shrinkage has varied over the centuries are factors that cannot be calculated with conclusive assurance. However, even at very conservative rates, there is still a serious problem for those who believe the earth and sun are billions of years old. Why? Because it can be shown that for 99.8% of the earth’s supposed existence (according to the evolutionists), it would have been too hot for life to exist due to the sun’s greater size. Using conservative figures would still make the sun twice its present radius even 1,000,000 years ago! 210 million years ago, the sun would have been so large, it would have touched the earth! Yet, evolutionists claim our solar system is 4 to 5 billion years old! That, folks, is impossible! (For further study see Andrew A. Snelling, “Is the Sun Shrinking?” Parts 1-3, Creation: Ex Nihilo, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 14-19, No. 2, No. 3; Dudley J. Benton, “The Effect of Non-Uniform Density on Solar Contraction Energy,” Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 145-147; C. Russell Akridge, “The Sun is Shrinking,” Impact No. 82, Acts and Facts, Santee, Calif: Institute for Creation Research, April, 1980.)
Rather than requiring millions of years for coal to form from vegetation, as taught by evolutionists, it has been demonstrated that coal can be formed in less than one year. Actually, wood and other cellulosic materials have been converted into coal and coal-like substances in just a few hours! Furthermore, plant-derived material has been converted into a good grade of petroleum in as few as twenty minutes under the proper temperature and pressure conditions. These experiments have proven that the formation of coal, oil, and gas did not require millions of years to form, as the uniformitarian (evolutionary) geologists have taught.

The great coal deposits of earth could easily have been the transported and metamorphosed remains of the vegetation of the pre-Flood world. The worldwide catastrophism of the Flood is further supported by the presence of polystrate fossils in coal beds that indicate a very rapid formation. The plant types that were involved and the texture of these deposits give testimony of very turbulent waters (Noahic Flood), and not a stagnant swamp (evolution).
When Did Life First Appear on Earth?

Also, evolutionists propose that coal was formed millions of years before man ever appeared on the world scene. Yet, human skeletons and human artifacts (and many of them – some as complex as intricately structured gold chains) have been found in coal deposits!
Another process that offers convincing proof for a relatively young earth is population growth. Evolutionists assume that people have been on Earth at least 1,000,000 years, whereas creationists believe man has only been in existence for some 6,000 years. So, the question to ask is “Which teaching is better supported by the data available from population growth statistics?”
Some have said the average world population growth over the centuries has been about 2%. Even if we only assume a growth rate of one-half percent per year (one-fourth the present rate), it would only take 4,000 years to produce today’s population, beginning with one couple. This allows ample room for times when war and disease drop the population rates below the normal average. This figure of 4,000 years to reach the present population fits well with the Biblical record, for Genesis records that Earth’s entire population, except for Noah and his family, was destroyed about 4,000 years ago in a worldwide Flood!
Biblical Experts’ Answers to How Old is the Earth?
Dr. Henry M. Morris calculated it is statistically inconceivable that only 7,000,000,000 people (today’s population) could have resulted from some 1,000,000 years of evolutionary history. If the population increased only at one-half percent for 1,000,000 years, the number of people in our present generation would exceed 10 to the 2100th power! Furthermore, there would literally be billions upon billions of bodies buried in the earth, but there are not! By far, the Creation model of human chronology offers the more reasonable figures regarding the age of mankind, and it is an age that perfectly matches both the Bible and statistics. (For further study, see Henry M. Morris, “Evolution and the Population Problem,” The Battle for Creation, Act/Facts/Impacts Vol. 2, Santee, Calif., Master Books, 1976, pp. 259-269; John C. Whitcomb, Jr., The World that Perished, 2nd ed., Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1988, p. 132.)
A Young Earth Perspective

There are numerous other processes to indicate a young earth and universe, as opposed to the ancient earth and universe claimed by evolution. For example, the rapid rate of soil and rock erosion of earth’s continents (which is about 25 billion tons per year) would have totally eroded all the continents 300 times if Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
Lead has been found in zircon crystals in deep granite cores. Due to the high temperature of the rock (313 degrees Celsius), the lead should have diffused out at a rate of one percent per 300,000 years. But no loss is detected, which means the granite of Earth has to be younger than 300,000 years! That is a far cry from 4.5 billion years!
Despite various erosive factors, it has been said the Earth’s mountains are rising at least 100 centimeters per 1,000 years. If one assumes the uniformitarian philosophy of evolutionism, the mountains of earth should be much higher than they are. Even if Earth is only 55 million years old, rather than the speculated 4.5 billion years, today’s mountains would be at least five times higher than Mount Everest!
Comets travel around the sun and are assumed to be the same age as the solar system. Every time a comet orbits the sun, a part of its mass is “boiled off”. Studies have indicated the effect of this dissolution process on short-term comets would have completely dissipated them in about 10,000 years. Yet, based on the fact there are still numerous comets orbiting the sun, with no new source for comets known to exist, it can be deduced that our solar system cannot be older than 10,000 years!

Collapse of Evolution
In The Collapse of Evolution, Scott M. Huse also tells about the phenomena of pleochroic halos: “Creationists point to evidence from the study of rapidly decaying radioactive elements and pleochroic halos to support their belief that creation was sudden and complete. Robert Gentry, the world’s leading authority on radio halos, has studied the mysterious case of polonium radio halos extensively and reached some startling conclusions that confirm the creationist’s viewpoint.
“Polonium 218 has been considered a daughter element of the natural decay of uranium, but through the works of Dr. Gentry and other researchers, polonium halos have been found in mica and fluorite without any evidence of parents. In other words, it was primordial – present in the original granite from the very beginning. Also, and most significantly, polonium halos should not exist because of their extremely short half-lives. Polonium 218 has a half-life of only three minutes. If the evolutionists’ interpretation is correct and the rock formations gradually cooled over millions of years, the polonium would have decayed into other elements long ago.
“Thus, the evidence clearly points to an instantaneous crystallization of the host basement rocks of the earth concurrent with the formation of the polonium. Simply stated, the presence of polonium radio halos is one of the greatest blows to evolutionary thinking because it speaks so eloquently of instantaneous creation.
“While these facts raise absolute havoc with the evolutionary framework, they are in complete harmony with the creationist’s viewpoint. As the Scriptures record: `the evening and the morning were the first day‘ (Genesis 1:5). The deliberate and emphatic repetition of this phrase throughout Genesis 1 clearly indicates that these were literal 24-hour creative periods. The creation was accomplished in six literal days, not through billions of years of gradual development (Exodus 20:11). How appropriate are the words of the psalmist at this juncture: `By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth . . . For He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast’ (Psalm 33:6, 9)”.
Additional Biblical Resources on the Fallacy of Evolution
[For additional resources for further study and a suggested list of 107 processes which can be used as supporting evidence for an earth or universe younger than billions of years old, see The Illustrated Origins Answer Book, by Paul S. Taylor, Eden Productions, Mesa, Ariz., 4th ed., 1993. For other materials on the evolution-creation controversy see: I. D. Sunderland, Darwin’s Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems; Henry M. Morris and Gary E. Parker, co-authors of What is Creation Science?; The Genesis Solution, Ken A. Ham and Paul Taylor, Master Books, Santee, Calif., 1988; Slaying the Dragon of Evolution, Isaac Manly, College Press Publishing Co., Joplin, Missouri, 1999; The Lie: Evolution, Ken A. Ham, Master Books, 1987; The Troubled Waters of Evolution, Henry M. Morris, CLP Publishers, San Diego, Calif., 4th printing 1980; Evolution, the Incredible Hoax, Homer Duncan, Missionary Crusader, Lubbock, Tex., 1978; Six Days, Sidney J. Jansma, Sr., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1985; Creation and Time, Mark Van Bebber and Paul S. Taylor, Eden Productions, Mesa, Ariz., 1994; The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution, A. E. Wilder-Smith, Master Books, San Diego, Calif., 1981; Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter, R. E. Kofahl, Beta Books, San Diego, Calif., 1977; Bone of Contention: Is Evolution True? Sylvia Baker, Evangelical Press, England, 1980; Evolution: The Fossils Say No! Duane T. Gish, Creation-Life Publishers, San Diego, Calif., 1976; Evolution on Trial, Cora A. Reno, Moody Press, Chicago, Ill., 1970; Physical Science for Christian Schools, Emmott William and George Mulfinger, Jr., Bob Jones University Press, Greenville, S. C., 1974; Is Evolution Scientific? E. H. Andrews, Welwyn, Herts, England, Evangelical Press, 1977.]
For a great article on the subject of a young earth, written by Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis ministry, click this link: https://answersingenesis.or/theory-of-evolution/millions-of-years/evolution-or-millions-of-years/
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