- Life is God’s gift to us. What we do with it is our gift to God.
- Even when we cannot see God’s hand, we can always trust His heart.
- God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.
- When your out-go exceeds your in-come, your up-keep will be your down-fall.
- Keep your light shining for Jesus! He will put it where it can be seen.
- Fasting is giving up earthly pleasures as you feast of the Lord.
- If you are a child of the King, your future is designed by His grace.
- To keep in harmony with Christ, stay in tune with His Word.
- The Lamb Who died to save you is the Shepherd Who lives to care for you.
- The Bible is “the Bread” that never grows stale.
- The Lord does more than hear our words; He reads our hearts
- Look within, and you will come up short. Look around, and you will be disappointed. Look up, and you will be blessed.
- Beware of the barrenness of busy-ness
- Is the term “worldly Christian” similar to “heavenly devil”?
- To the Romans, the cross was the symbol of shame; to Christians, it is the symbol of salvation.
- Nature is content with little, grace with even less, but lust is never content.
- Outlook influences outcome.
- Seven days without prayer make one weak.
- Life is not always fair, but God is always faithful.
- Coming together is the beginning. Staying together is progress. Working together is success.
- Conversion is the miracle of a moment; Christ-likeness is the task of a lifetime.
- God is the only Manufacturer Who will recall all His products.
- The time to begin is now; the method to use is God’s; the one to change is me.
- Love exists to meet the needs of others.
- Time does not heal; God does.
- To get into Heaven, it is Who you know that counts!
- BIBLE: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
- Know the Bible in your head, stow it in your heart, show it in your life, and sow it in the world.
- God chooses what we go through; we choose how we go through it.
- The Son of God became the Son of Man so the sons of men could become sons of God.
- Do not focus on past mistakes; yesterday ended last night.
- The world sees what we do; God sees why we do it.
- By perseverance, the snail entered the Ark.
- It is wonderful what God can do with a broken heart when we give Him all the pieces.
- Anger cannot change the past, but it can ruin the present and future.
- God’s love changes prodigal sons into precious saints
- Do not despair because of evil. God has the last word!
- The past teaches. The present tests. The future rewards.
- Every word we say on earth is heard in Heaven.
- God honors a contrite heart.
- Knowing about God is fascinating, but knowing Him is life-changing!
- True peace is to lie down at night knowing there is open fellowship between your Savior and you.
- To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.
- Thank God for what you have; trust Him for what you need.
- May you hear God’s voice in your heart, know God ‘s touch in your life, and feel His love every day.
- A word of encouragement can make the difference between giving up and keeping on.
- Do not let contentment with early goals prevent you from eternal goals.
- Worrying about tomorrow will steal the joy from today.
- I spent all night wondering where the Son had gone, then He dawned on me!
- Forgiveness removes guilt from acts of sin; cleansing removes their stain.
- To be disappointed with yourself is to have believed in yourself.
- To be discouraged is unbelief because God has a plan for your life
- Life is God’s gift to us; what we do with it is our gift to Him.
- Our lives will end the day we become silent about the things that really matter.
- The itchy sensation some mistake for ambition may be an inflammation of their wishbone.
- The commandments of the Bible are not merely suggestions.
- What does the world learn about Christ by watching you?
- Nothing is more attractive than being like Jesus.
- If you doubt Jesus cares, remember His tears.
- God pursues us in our restlessness, receives us in our sinfulness, and holds us in our brokenness.
- True contentment comes when God’s will is more important than our wants.
- When we put our problems in Jesus’ hands, He puts His peace in our hearts.
- Faith in Christ is not a leap in the dark; it is a step into the Light.
- People who do things make mistakes, but they also avoid the biggest mistake, which is doing nothing.
- Flood waters represent separation from a world defiled by sin.
- The devil is never too busy to “rock the boat” of a sleeping Christian.
- Meekness is strength under control.
- When Christ is the center of your life, your life is in focus!
- We are saved by God’s mercy, not by our merit; by Christ dying, not by us living.
- Bless the food before us, the friends beside us, and the love between us.
- The hinge of history is found on the door of a stable.
- Every Christian should be an expectant up-looker, not a sleepy on-looker.
- Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt (Proverbs 17:28 paraphrase).
- The Light of the World knows no power failure.
- Knowing God loves you comes by faith, feeling His love comes by your relationship.
- A good way to learn God’s truth is to teach others!
- Thanksgiving is not just one day a year; it is a way of life.
- God’s best gifts are often wrapped in trials.
- For Christians, every trial begins and ends with hope because we view them in light of eternity.
- There is a sin of silence for Christians.
- When you are prone to get M A D, try to think of this acrostic: Make A Difference
- God’s love enables us to walk fearlessly, run confidently, and live victoriously.
- A person who is not willing to follow is not prepared to lead.
- An honest talk with God is the first step in finding peace of mind.
- Stories from the past are lessons for the present.
- The Bible shows us many pictures of who we really are.
- We must face our sins before we can put them behind us.
- Doing what is right today means no regrets tomorrow.
- It is dangerous to mistake our wishes for God’s will.
- The Gospel is not a decision or a debate; it is an announcement and an invitation.
- A good indicator of our spiritual temperature is our eagerness to worship God.
- Impossibilities compel us to rely on God.
- Tact is the knack of winning a point without making an enemy.
- We value the Light more fully after we’ve gone through the darkness.
- Holiness is not the way to Christ, Christ is the way to holiness
- When God shows you a problem, He may ask you to be the solution.
- God’s call may come at any time, so be ready all the time.
- Exposure to the Son may prevent burning.
- A word of encouragement can make the difference between giving up and going on.
- Teamwork divides the effort and increases the effect.
- An offense with your neighbor is a fence between you and God.
- A journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step.
- Good things come to him who waits, as long as he works while he waits!
- Attitudes are contagious, so ask yourself if your attitude is worth catching.
- It is not things you have done, but hearts you have touched that determines your success in life.
- The God Who washed away your sins will also wipe away your tears.
- Prayer does not need proof; it just needs to be practiced.
- You are as close to God as you choose to be.
- Prayer is our greatest wireless connection.
- It is not a matter of if, but when you will bow your knees to the Lord Jesus. Will it be forced or voluntary?
- An atheist has no invisible means of support.
- Are you making an impression or an impact?
- When it is all said and done, eternal life is what matters.
- Lord, make me as holy as You can make a sinner saved by grace.
- Christians are like coals of fire. Together they glow, but apart they grow cold.
- Do not let your worries get the best of you! Remember Moses started out a basket case!
- God answers knee-mail.
- The soul could have no rainbows if the eyes had no tears.
- It is hard to let your light shine when your fuse is blown.
- Patience is a virtue that takes a lot of waiting.
- The greatest mission is submission.
- The Word of God: study it through, pray it in, live it out, and pass it on!
- Make the best trade of your life: the here for the hereafter!
- Be a fisher of men, not a keeper of an aquarium.
- If you are not changing or being chastened, you are not converted.
- Some people only attend church three times in their lives: (1) to be sprinkled with water (baptism), (2) to be sprinkled with rice (marriage), and (3) to be sprinkled with dirt (funeral).
- The more terrible the storm, the more important the Anchor!
- You will never be happy being guilty, but you will be happy being godly!
- We need mercy for our past and grace for the present!
- Three great dangers: anarchy, apostasy, apathy.
- “If a person has a heart for God, any old turnip will do for a head!” C. T. Studd
- If we are going to lift-up others, we must be on higher ground.
- God’s will is perfect, positive, practical, prayerful, prepared, personal, pleasurable, proper, and profitable.
- Fear is natural; faith is supernatural.
- The tea kettle sings even though up to its neck in hot water!
- Anxiety is an announcement to others of your lack of faith in the sovereignty of God.
- No act of worship is better than a true heart response to the Word of God.
- God desires to be as close to you as He is with His Son.
- Only the guidable can be led.
- Faith is like calories; you can’t see them, but you see their effects.
- Behold the turtle; he only makes progress when he sticks out his head.
- The average man is like a match: when he gets lit, he loses his head.
- Reputation is what others think of you; character is what God knows you are!
- The family altar can alter the family.
- Have a balance between being a project-person and a people-person!
- “Spiritual gifts are not toys to play with. They are tools to build with, but if they are not used with love, they become weapons to fight with.”
- I am a nobody who tries to tell everybody about Somebody Who can save anybody!
- History is the illustrated encyclopedia of God’s providence.
- Since God is the Eternal Father, He must have an Eternal Son, for that which makes a Father is having a Son! Both must be eternal or the Father was not a Father before the Son! Selah.
- “Don’t give the flower of your life to the devil and then give the decapitated stem to Jesus! Don’t burn the candle of your life for the devil and then blow the smoke of a wasted life in the face of God.”
- Jerry Vines – Worry is emotional atheism.
- Come! – The Plea (Matt.11:28). Become! – The Purpose (John 1:12). Overcome! – The Power (I John 2:12).
- Jesus is the Good Shepherd of Grace in the Past (John 10), the Great Shepherd of Peace in the Present (Hebrews 13:20), and the Chief Shepherd of Glory in the Future (I Peter 4).
- In serving Christ, it is better to wear out than to rust out.