The Living Word Ministries, founded in 1987, is a non-profit, non-denominational, Bible-centered, Christ-centered Christian ministry 100% dedicated to teaching God’s Holy Word clearly, boldly, passionately, and an in-depth manner.
We teach the whole counsel of God, from Genesis to Revelation, and do not avoid “uncomfortable” subjects (Acts 20:27). We present our studies in their proper historical and theological settings, doing word studies as needed from both the original Hebrew or Greek (in a few cases, Aramaic) languages so as to best understand the divinely inspired meaning of every “jot and tittle” of Scripture. Our teaching (available through audio lessons and commentary books, with study questions for every lesson) is for the purpose of equipping believers for the work of the ministry and the furtherance of the Gospel throughout the world. We include a lot of apologetics to our teaching, so our students know how to answer the skeptics of Scripture. It is also our purpose to persuade unbelievers of the absolute truth and
reliability of the one Book God wrote to reveal Himself and His redemptive plan of salvation through Jesus Christ to mankind. We freely provide all our 35+ years of teaching through on-line Podcast (which also can be downloaded to
smartphones). All the various books of the “Caldwell Commentary Series” are available for purchase from Scripture Truth Book Company of Fincastle, Virginia.