The fourth of July, a day we celebrate as essentially “the birth” of the United States of America; the day the Continental Congress formerly adopted “The Declaration of Independence,” I wanted to share a poem I wrote about the most important freedom there is. To truly be “set free” is not an earthly, physical matter (i.e. 13 colonies claiming their independence from England, or a person being released from prison, or a slave gaining emancipation from a “master”).
Nor is truly being “set free” an intellectual matter. The Lord’s words (discussed in the next paragraph), “The truth shall set you free,” are commonly used in academic circles to promote the power of learning, but the freedom of which He spoke was not centered on either physical or intellectual freedoms. There is a far higher form of freedom, and it concerns our inner being, our eternal soul. The only freedom that is eternally significant is a person’s spiritual freedom from the chains of sin and its horrible “wages,” which is separation from God forever. True Freedom is Free.

What makes you a slave?
In John chapter 8, the One Who is Truth Personified explained that those who commit sin are the servants (slaves) of sin. This includes everyone, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). He said the servant is not permitted to abide in the House of God (sin cannot abide in His Holy Presence). Only the Son, Who is perfectly sinless like the Father, abides in the Father’s House forever. But there is hope for every sinner-servant! Jesus (the Son of God) went on to say, If the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:34-36).
The Father’s Eternal Son, Who willingly became the God/Man so He could qualify as mankind’s sin-substitutionary Sacrifice, has made it possible for whosoever believes on Him to be set free from the bonds of their servanthood to sin and death! On the cross of Calvary, Jesus paid the wages of sin in full, so we can be free from God’s righteous condemnation and free from the guilt of sin and free from the bondage of sin and free from death (Romans 6:22; 8:1-2) and, instead, be brought into the family of God, where we will one day dwell with “our Father” forever! The Lord Jesus came to give a declaration much greater than America’s “Declaration of Independence”! He came to proclaim liberty to the captives of all nations, all people groups, all generations, and every individual. He is the Truth that makes a person free. He is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” into the Father’s House forever (John 14:6). I’m so glad to be part of the family of God, aren’t you?

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